Punch Drunk
Lemke's online bubble of some stuff she made and some things she likes. She is an interaction designer but also draws, sculpts, builds and has ideas! Of Dutch origine, living in Iceland!
lemke, meijer, lemkemeijer, lemkelemke, design, iceland, reykjavik, delft, drawings, art,
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Punch Drunk

This has been quite the experience. It is hard to describe what this emersive theatre does to you… It’s amazing, it’s grand, it’s emotional. All of your senses are being tickled during this 3 hour experience in London. A story set in the 20s on the Temple Studios film set where the visitor becomes a ghost and becomes one with the play.

We were both speechless after this experience and keep dreaming about being part of such a production one time in our lives.


trailer of the show, click here.


National Theatre says:

“It’s a wrap! The Drowned Man: A Hollywood Fable, the biggest and most ambitious production yet from the award-winning Punchdrunk, played its final performance on Sunday 6 July 2014.
Set amidst the fading glamour of 1960s Los Angeles, The Drowned Man explored the darkness of the Hollywood dream, where celluloid fantasy meets desperate reality, and certainty dissolves into a hallucinatory world.

This extraordinary theatrical adventure has played to over 170,000 people, each of whom have undergone a unique personal journey that unfolded across four levels of a vast central London location.”




